private company limited by shares (Q6832945)
type of company used in the United Kingdom
(P17) (Q145)
(P31) (Q57655433)
(P92) (Q5155400)
(P279) (Q17376040)
(P1001) (Q145)
(P1448) "Private Company Limited by Shares" (language: en)
(P1705) "Limited Company" (language: en-gb)
"cyfyngedig" (language: cy)
(P1813) "Ltd." (language: en-gb)
"cyf" (language: cy)
(P1963) (P8247)
other details
aliases Ltd.
Ltd company
Ltd UK
UK Limited
private limited company (UK)
Limited Company (UK)
Ltd. (UK)
description type of company used in the United Kingdom

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