private limited company (Q17376040)
type of company used in many jurisdictions; use specific QIDs like Q149789 for the US or others for your country
Current Data About private limited company
(P31) (Q2135465)
(P279) (Q33685)
(P527) (Q6832945)
(P1813) "PLC" (language: en)
"ООО" (language: ru)
"sp. z o.o." (language: pl)
"SARL" (language: fr)
"kft." (language: hu)
"ҖЧҖ" (language: tt-cyrl)
(P1889) (Q149789)
(P1963) (P1454)
other details
aliases private limited liability company
liability company partnership
limited liability company
Private limited company
description type of company used in many jurisdictions; use specific QIDs like Q149789 for the US or others for your country

External Links