Kingdom of Poland (Q577867)
Polish state from the coronation of the first King Bolesław I the Brave in 1025 to the union with Lithuania and the rule of the Jagiellon dynasty in 1385
Current Data About Kingdom of Poland
(P17) (Q577867)
(P30) (Q46)
(P31) (Q3024240)
(P36) (Q51432)
(P37) (Q397)
(P41) Flag of the Kingdom of Poland.svg
(P94) Coat of Arms of the Polish Crown.svg
(P140) (Q9592)
(P156) (Q171348)
(P242) Działania podczas wojny polsko niemieckiej 1002-1005.png
(P373) Maps of the Kingdom of Poland (Piasts)
(P571) Monday, April 18, 1025
(P576) Sunday, August 14, 1385
(P910) (Q7189070)
(P1889) (Q104863335)
(P2184) (Q353227)
(P2936) (Q809)
other details
description Polish state from the coronation of the first King Bolesław I the Brave in 1025 to the union with Lithuania and the rule of the Jagiellon dynasty in 1385

External Links