British occupation zone in Germany (Q55306)
zone of British occupation in postwar Germany
(P17) (Q55306)
(P30) (Q46)
(P31) (Q2577883)
(P36) (Q6858)
(P37) (Q188)
(P41) Merchant flag of Germany (1946–1949).svg
(P47) (Q55300)
(P122) (Q55660456)
(P150) (Q1055)
(P194) (Q15803831)
(P242) Deutschland Besatzungszonen 8 Jun 1947 - 22 Apr 1949 britisch.svg
(P373) British Occupation Zone
(P571) Tuesday, May 8, 1945
(P576) Wednesday, January 1, 1947
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P910) (Q8912618)
(P1365) (Q7318)
(P1366) (Q693911)
(P1705) "Britische Besatzungszone" (language: de)
other details
description zone of British occupation in postwar Germany

External Links