American occupation zone in Germany (Q55304)
zone of American occupation in postwar Germany
(P17) (Q183)
(P18) Image Provided By,_Mödlareuth,_Zonengrenze.jpg
(P30) (Q46)
(P31) (Q2577883)
(P36) (Q1794)
(P37) (Q188)
(P41) Merchant flag of Germany (1946–1949).svg
(P47) (Q55306)
(P122) (Q55660456)
(P150) (Q21039682)
(P242) Deutschland Besatzungszonen 8 Jun 1947 - 22 Apr 1949 amerikanisch.svg
(P373) American occupation zone in Germany
(P571) +1945-07-00T00:00:00Z
(P910) (Q8878405)
(P1365) (Q7318)
(P1366) (Q693911)
(P1705) "Amerikanische Besatzungszone" (language: de)
(P2046) 110075
other details
aliases American Zone of Occupation in Germany
U.S. occupation zone, Germany
US Zone of Occupation, Germany
description zone of American occupation in postwar Germany

External Links