Current Data About
Electoral Palatinate
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(Q20521456) (Q26830017) (Q2991489) (Q3024240) |
(P36) |
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(P41) |
Flag of The Electoral Palatinate (1604).svg
Banner of the Palatinate.svg |
(P94) |
Arms of the Electoral Palatinate (Variant 2).svg
(P122) |
(P138) |
(P140) |
(Q1841) |
(P206) |
(P242) |
Locator Electoral Palatinate within the Holy Roman Empire (1618).svg
(P276) |
(P361) |
(P373) |
(P571) |
Thursday, January 1, 1085
(P576) |
Wednesday, April 27, 1803
(P625) |
Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P706) |
(P793) |
(P910) |
(P1343) |
(P1448) |
"Electorate of the Palatinate" (language: en)
"Kurfürstentum Pfalz" (language: de)
(P1549) |
"Palatines" (language: en)
"Pfälzer" (language: de)
(P1705) |
"Kurfürstentum Pfalz" (language: de)
(P1813) |
"Palatinate" (language: en)
"Pfalz" (language: de)
(P1889) |
(Q326359) |
(P1906) |
(P2936) |
other details
aliases |
County Palatine of Lotharingia Bavarian Palatinate Electorate of Palatinate Pfalzgrafschaft bei Rhein Kurpfalz Electorate the Palatinate Palatinate of the rhein County Palatine of the Rhine Palatine Electorate Rhenish County Palatine Electorate Palatinate Kurfürstentum von der Pfalz Palatinate of the Rhine Electorate of the Palatine County Palatinate of the Rhine Electorate of the Palatinate |
description | state of the Holy Roman Empire (1085–1803) |
External Links