the vices (Q87724996)
three sculptures in the banister of the eastern half of the perron of the town hall in the city of Bern, Switzerland
Current Data About the vices
(P17) (Q39)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q2293362)
(P131) (Q70)
(P136) (Q1622217)
(P170) (Q37912965)
(P186) (Q824601)
(P276) (Q2132400)
(P361) (Q87721726)
(P373) Sandsteinskulpturen Die Laster (Gustave Piguet 1942)
(P571) +1942-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P2048) 130
(P2795) "Am Treppengeländer der östlichen Hälfte der Freitreppe des Rathauses in 3011 Bern" (language: de)
(P6375) "Rathausplatz 2, 3011 Bern" (language: de)
(P8138) (Q1664007)
other details
aliases Die Laster
description three sculptures in the banister of the eastern half of the perron of the town hall in the city of Bern, Switzerland

External Links