Steglitz (Q854040)
former borough of Berlin
Current Data About Steglitz
(P17) (Q183)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q821435)
(P41) DEU Steglitz (district) Flag.svg
(P47) (Q854051)
(P94) DEU District Steglitz COA.svg
(P131) (Q64)
(P156) (Q158064)
(P242) Berliner Bezirk Steglitz vor 2001.png
(P373) Berlin-Steglitz
(P527) (Q700211)
(P571) Friday, October 1, 1920
(P582) Monday, January 1, 2001
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P948) Wv Steglitz banner.jpg
(P2046) 32
(P5901) XII
other details
description former borough of Berlin

External Links