Xidan station (Q842064)
Beijing Subway station
Current Data About Xidan station
(P16) (Q235319)
(P17) (Q148)
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Platform_of_L1_Xidan_Station_%2820210909132808%29.jpg
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Platform_of_L4_Xidan_Station_%2820210305160033%29.jpg
(P31) (Q928830)
(P81) (Q304264)
(P127) (Q42751778)
(P131) (Q30138)
(P137) (Q4881162)
(P197) (Q1037957)
(P296) 115
(P373) Xidan Station
(P571) Saturday, December 12, 1992
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1103) 4
(P1619) Saturday, December 12, 1992
(P2846) (Q24192068)
(P4291) Platform panorama of L1 Xidan Station (20170710145248).jpg
Platform panorama of L4 Xidan Station (20170710145756).jpg
(P5595) 4
(P5817) (Q55654238)
other details
description Beijing Subway station

External Links