70 St Mary Axe (Q80201655)
Office building in the City Of London
Current Data About 70 St Mary Axe
(P17) (Q145)
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/70_St_Mary_Axe_seen_from_Bevis_Marks.jpg
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/View_of_70_St_Mary_Axe_from_Bevis_Marks_and_Heneage_Lane.jpg
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/70_St_Mary_Axe.jpg
(P31) (Q1021645)
(P84) (Q100329009)
(P88) (Q7685922)
(P127) (Q7070622)
(P131) (Q23311)
(P138) (Q2846150)
(P149) (Q17012219)
(P186) (Q11427)
(P193) (Q5284447)
(P276) (Q23311)
(P281) EC3A 8BE
(P366) (Q1021645)
(P373) 70 St Mary Axe
(P466) (Q3483312)
(P571) +2019-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P631) (Q100329009)
(P669) (Q7590464)
(P793) (Q385378)
(P856) https://70stma.co.uk/
(P1101) 21
(P1139) 2
(P1301) 14
(P2048) 90
(P2130) 135000000
(P6375) "70 St Mary Axe, EC3" (language: en)
(P7959) (Q19186)
other details
aliases The Can Of Ham
description Office building in the City Of London

External Links