Luciana Lamorgese (Q67129448)
Italian civil servant and prefect, Minister of the Interior in the Draghi government
Current Data About Luciana Lamorgese
(P18) Image Provided By
(P19) (Q3543)
(P21) (Q6581072)
(P27) (Q38)
(P31) (Q5)
(P39) (Q1541071)
(P69) (Q691851)
(P102) (Q327591)
(P103) (Q652)
(P106) (Q82955)
(P109) Signature of Luciana Lamorgese.png
(P373) Luciana Lamorgese
(P569) Friday, September 11, 1953
(P734) (Q37544818)
(P735) (Q11247717)
(P1412) (Q652)
(P1559) "Luciana Lamorgese" (language: it)
(P1971) 2
(P6886) (Q652)
other details
description Italian civil servant and prefect, Minister of the Interior in the Draghi government

External Links