Rietheim (Q66854)
village and former municipality in Zurzach in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland
Current Data About Rietheim
(P17) (Q39)
(P31) (Q532)
(P37) (Q188)
(P94) Rietheim-blason.png
(P131) (Q65246908)
(P242) Karte Gemeinde Rietheim 2014.png
(P281) 5323
(P361) (Q95097952)
(P373) Rietheim, Aargau
(P395) AG
(P473) 056
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P856) http://www.rietheim.ch
(P910) (Q9104561)
(P1082) 753
(P1325) https://geo.ld.admin.ch/boundaries/municipality/4316
(P1366) (Q65246908)
(P1448) "Rietheim" (language: de-ch)
(P2044) 329
(P2046) 3.92
other details
aliases Rietheim AG
description village and former municipality in Zurzach in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland

External Links