Tuesday, August 20, 2019
"Theodorus, Antonius HERMSEN (1905-1944), dit Theo HERMSEN, marchand hollandais. Il est l'agent principal d'Hildebrand Gurlitt sur le marché parisien, en contact notammen avec Hugo Engel, agent de Karl Haberstock" (language: fr)
"Hermssen, Theo Jr (or Derek) (deceased). Paris, Entel Jersey, 5 rue de la Grande Bateliere The Hague, Zeestraat 55. Dutch dealer, resident in Paris. Acted as agent for Hildebrandt Gurlitt. Knew Engel and Ward Holzapfel. Associated with Arturo Reiss, Leegenhoek and Lagrand. Died in 1944 in Paris." (language: en)
"Hermssen, Theo Jr (or Derek) (deceased). Paris, Entel Jersey, 5 rue de la Grande Bateliere The Hague, Zeestraat 55. Dutch dealer, resident in Paris. Acted as agent for Hildebrandt Gurlitt. Knew Engel and Ward Holzapfel. Associated with Arturo Reiss, Leegenhoek and Lagrand. Died in 1944 in Paris." (language: en)
"Gurlitt, Hildebrandt. Schloss Poellnitz, Aschbach (nr Bamberg). One of the chief official Paris agents for Linz, 1943-45. Partly Jewish, he had difficulties with the Party and was placed in a difficult position as an agent for Linz. He therefore used Hermssen as his front. (Hermssen died late in 1944.) Under house arrest on the estate of Baron von Poellnitz." (language: en)