Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Q609233)
period of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1878 and 1918
(P17) (Q28513)
(P30) (Q46)
(P31) (Q734818)
(P36) (Q11194)
(P37) (Q188)
(P38) (Q303713)
(P41) Flag of Bosnia (1908–1918).svg
(P94) Coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1889–1918).svg
(P122) (Q41614)
(P163) (Q162033)
(P237) (Q199862)
(P242) Cisleithania, Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen, Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
Bosnie Herzégovine 1914.png
(P373) Bosnia and Herzegovina (Austro-Hungarian condominium)
(P571) Sunday, October 20, 1878
(P576) Tuesday, October 29, 1918
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P910) (Q9793270)
(P1082) 1898044
(P1365) (Q848372)
(P1366) (Q15813735)
(P2046) 51082
other details
aliases Condominium of Bosnia and Herzegovina
description period of Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1878 and 1918

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