It All Depends on You (Q6091557)
original show tune composed by Ray Henderson, lyrics by Buddy DeSylva and Lew Brown; from the 1925 musical "Big Boy"
Current Data About It All Depends on You
(P31) (Q105543609)
(P86) (Q1980821)
(P175) (Q923647)
(P407) (Q1860)
(P577) +1926-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P676) (Q80760)
(P747) (Q124303785)
(P1476) "It All Depends on You" (language: en)
(P1552) (Q661651)
(P7937) (Q7366)
other details
description original show tune composed by Ray Henderson, lyrics by Buddy DeSylva and Lew Brown; from the 1925 musical "Big Boy"

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