"The stumbling blocks for Elly Singer, Max Schwerin and Rosa Gotha were laid on March 16 , 2018. A total of 14 people were kidnapped and murdered from Xantener Straße 7: Abraham Apelbaum, Margarete Regensburger, Leonard Reisz, Martha Reisz, Nanni Grünthal, Walter Loepert, Käthe Loepert, Eva Loepert, Annemarie Loepert, Georg Joseph, Paula Segall, Marion Segall, Arthur Jachmann, Clara Hammel. Four others chose suicide: Josef Juliusburger, Max Schwerin, Henriette Schwerin, Hertha Jachmann).The fate of five other Jews remains unclear for the time being: Marga Mindla Syna, Emma Pintus, Helene Jacoby, Jacques Ber. Five of the murdered tenants - as well as around 15,000 Berlin Jews - were deported to Theresienstadt on one of the 117 transports: Apelbaum, Hammel, A. Jachmann, Grünthal and Regensburger. Nine residents were deported to the East on one of the 63 extermination transports, as were around 36,000 other Berlin Jews, and murdered there: the Loepert family, Leonard and Martha Reisz, Georg Joseph, Paula and Marion Segall." (language: en)