London Records, Inc. (Q56872896)
US record company established 1946 as a subsidiary of Decca Limited
Current Data About London Records, Inc.
(P17) (Q30)
(P31) (Q4830453)
(P112) (Q5344131)
(P159) (Q60)
(P199) (Q59457098)
(P355) (Q56872908)
(P452) (Q10302058)
(P571) Wednesday, July 31, 1946
(P740) (Q60)
(P749) (Q56872874)
(P1448) "The London Gramophone Corporation" (language: en)
"London Records, Inc." (language: en)
(P1454) (Q167037)
other details
aliases The London Gramophone Corporation
London Gramophone Corporation, The
description US record company established 1946 as a subsidiary of Decca Limited

External Links