municipal prefecture of Palmas (Q56450090)
executive branch of a Brazilian municipal government
(P6) (Q51882547)
(P17) (Q155)
(P31) (Q3640798)
(P41) Bandeira de Palmas.svg
(P94) Brasao palmas tocantins.png
(P373) Prefeitura Municipal de Palmas
(P527) (Q56449704)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1001) (Q178993)
(P2388) (Q56449704)
(P6375) "Avenida Juscelino Kubitscheck, 28 - A – 8º Andar - 104 Norte, Palmas - TO, 77006-014" (language: pt-br)
other details
description executive branch of a Brazilian municipal government

External Links