Governor of Hawaii (Q5589655)
head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Hawaii
Current Data About Governor of Hawaii
(P17) (Q30)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q17279032)
(P41) Flag of the Governor of Hawaii.svg
(P263) (Q7972130)
(P279) (Q889821)
(P361) (Q38724674)
(P373) Governors of Hawaii
(P463) (Q494210)
(P571) Friday, August 21, 1959
(P910) (Q8497032)
(P1001) (Q782)
(P1308) (Q16224583)
(P2097) 4
(P2098) (Q912560)
(P2354) (Q500406)
(P2389) (Q38724674)
(P2521) "gouverneure d'Hawaï" (language: fr)
"gobernadora de Ḥawai" (language: ast)
"governadora de Hawaii" (language: ca)
(P3321) "gobernador de Ḥawai" (language: ast)
other details
aliases Hawaii Governor
Governor of the State of Hawaii
description head of state and of government of the U.S. state of Hawaii

External Links