Teruel City (Q55868696)
city in Aragon, Spain, capital of the municipality of Teruel, in the comarca of Comunidad de Teruel and the province of Teruel
Current Data About Teruel City
(P17) (Q29)
(P31) (Q515)
(P112) (Q299156)
(P131) (Q14336)
(P166) (Q85878994)
(P373) Teruel
(P571) Friday, October 1, 1171
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1082) 35691
(P1365) (Q128212636)
(P1376) (Q14336)
other details
aliases Teruel
description city in Aragon, Spain, capital of the municipality of Teruel, in the comarca of Comunidad de Teruel and the province of Teruel

External Links