06:12 (Q55810774)
point of time during the day, 06:12 am local time, in the early morning
Current Data About 06:12
(P31) (Q1260524)
(P1552) (Q7727)
(P1813) "06:12" (language: zxx)
"06:12 am" (language: en)
(P2559) "can be used as value for the qualifier 'refine date' (P4241), together with 'located in time zone' (P421)" (language: en)
"puede ser usado como valor para el calificador «fecha más precisa» (P4241), junto con «se encuentra en el huso horario» (P421)" (language: es)
(P4895) 372
other details
aliases 06:12 am
6h 12
6:12 am
description point of time during the day, 06:12 am local time, in the early morning