UCLouvain Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning (Q55596818)
Faculty of the University of Louvain, located in Brussels, Tournai and Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
(P17) (Q31)
(P31) (Q180958)
(P154) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/UCL-LOCI.png
(P158) Sedessapientiae1993.svg
(P159) (Q239)
(P361) (Q378134)
(P571) +2009-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P856) https://uclouvain.be/fr/facultes/loci
(P1448) "Faculté d'Architecture, d'Ingénierie architecturale, d'Urbanisme et d'Aménagement du Territoire" (language: fr)
"Faculté d'architecture, d'ingénierie architecturale, d'urbanisme" (language: fr)
(P1454) (Q180958)
(P1813) "LOCI" (language: la)
"LOCI" (language: fr)
"AIAU" (language: fr)
(P2196) 1400
other details
aliases UCLouvain Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning
UCLouvain LOCI
Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning
UCLouvain Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, UCLouvain
UCLouvain Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, University of Louvain
UCLouvain Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning, Université catholique de Louvain
description Faculty of the University of Louvain, located in Brussels, Tournai and Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

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