Data Protection Act 2018 (Q55391230)
Public General Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom
Current Data About Data Protection Act 2018
(P17) (Q145)
(P31) (Q105774620)
(P407) (Q1860)
(P467) (Q11010)
(P577) +2018-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P1001) (Q145)
(P1031) 2018 c. 12
(P1448) "An Act to make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals; to make provision in connection with the Information Commissioner's functions under certain regulations relating to information; to make provision for a direct marketing code of practice; and for connected purposes." (language: en)
(P1813) "Data Protection Act 2018" (language: en)
(P1889) (Q100400332)
(P2937) (Q108990856)
(P3148) (Q1172237)
(P7589) Wednesday, May 23, 2018
other details
aliases 2018 c. 12
2018 c12
description Public General Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom

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