Norec (Q5426271)
Norwegian governmental body financing two-way mutual personnel exchange between companies and organisations in Norway and the global South
Current Data About Norec
(P17) (Q20)
(P31) (Q327333)
(P159) (Q1780577)
(P571) Tuesday, January 1, 1963
(P749) (Q2982622)
(P1448) "NOREC Norsk senter for utvekslingssamarbeid" (language: nb)
(P1454) (Q55190098)
(P6375) "Firdavegen 2, 6800 Førde" (language: no)
other details
aliases Fredskorpset
FK Norway
Norwegian Peace Corps
description Norwegian governmental body financing two-way mutual personnel exchange between companies and organisations in Norway and the global South

External Links