Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia (Q533558)
administrative division that existed between 1868 and 1918 within the Austro-Hungary
(P17) (Q28513)
(P30) (Q46)
(P31) (Q41614)
(P36) (Q1435)
(P37) (Q6654)
(P38) (Q306306)
(P41) Flag of Croatia-Slavonia.svg
(P47) (Q698248)
(P85) (Q146502)
(P94) Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia.svg
(P122) (Q41614)
(P131) (Q696970)
(P140) (Q9592)
(P194) (Q371576)
(P242) Map of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia (1885).png
(P373) Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia
(P460) (Q1057076)
(P571) Wednesday, January 1, 1868
(P576) Tuesday, January 1, 1918
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P910) (Q7990203)
(P1082) 2621954
(P1343) (Q3181656)
(P1365) (Q623573)
(P1366) (Q718374)
(P1464) (Q29707871)
(P2046) 42535.25
(P2936) (Q6654)
(P3113) (Q698248)
other details
aliases Croatia-Slavonia
Croatia and Slavonia
description administrative division that existed between 1868 and 1918 within the Austro-Hungary

External Links