Cricket Club of India (Q5184963)
sports club and venue in Mumbai, India
Current Data About Cricket Club of India
(P17) (Q668)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q847017)
(P131) (Q2341660)
(P149) (Q12720942)
(P159) (Q1156)
(P361) (Q16942531)
(P373) Cricket Club of India
(P571) Sunday, January 1, 1933
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P641) (Q847)
(P740) (Q1156)
(P1435) (Q43113623)
(P1813) "CCI" (language: en)
(P1830) (Q4786546)
(P5008) (Q73852346)
(P6375) "Stadium House, Block No 3, 1st Floor, Veer Nariman Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400020" (language: en)
other details
aliases CCI
description sports club and venue in Mumbai, India

External Links