Current Data About
Kde domov můj
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Kde domov muj.ogg
Kde domov můj.mid
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National Anthem of the Czech Republic
(P407) |
(P676) |
(P747) |
(P826) |
(P989) |
Česká hymna - namluvený článek.ogg
(P1476) |
"Kde domov můj" (language: cs)
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(P1725) |
(P3030) |
Kde domov můj 154-1998 Sb.png
Notový záznam české státní hymny Kde domov můj.pdf
(P3440) |
(P6216) |
(P6883) |
\relative { \key e \major \time 4/4 \tempo "Andante con moto." 4 = 88 \autoBeamOff r4 b'2^\p^\< cis8\!^\> b8\! | fis4 \breathe a2^\< gis8 fis8\! | e2^\> r4\! e8 e8 e8.[(^\< a16]) a2\!^\> b8 cis8\! | b8[( gis8]) e4 r4 e8^\mf e8 e8[(^\< a8])\! a8[( cis8]) e4( dis8) cis8^\> cis4 b4\! r4 b8^\p b8 | b2~ b8 cis8 b8 a8 gis2 r4^\mf b8^\< b8 | dis2~ dis8\!\> cis8 b8 a8\! | gis2 r4 gis8^\p gis8 gis4.^\< gis8 gis4( ais8) bis8\! | bis8[( cis8])^\> cis4\! r4 cis8^\f cis8 cis8[( b8]) b2 a8 b8 | gis4(^\< e'2)\! \breathe dis8 cis8 cis4^\> b2\! \breathe fis8^\pp gis8 | e2 r2 }
other details
description | National Anthem of the Czech Republic |
External Links
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