organizational founder (Q4479442)
person who creates an institution intended to perpetuate itself after the founder's association ends
Current Data About organizational founder
(P31) (Q4164871)
(P279) (Q2500638)
(P373) Organization founders
(P910) (Q16660675)
(P1687) (P112)
(P1889) (Q61268336)
(P1963) (P108)
(P2521) "fundadora" (language: pt)
"oprichtster" (language: nl)
"fondintino" (language: eo)
"fundadora" (language: ca)
"fondatrice" (language: fr)
"מייסדת ארגונים" (language: he)
"заснавальніца" (language: be-tarask)
"ustanoviteljica" (language: sl)
"основательница" (language: ru)
"fondatrice" (language: it)
"zakladatelka" (language: cs)
"засновниця" (language: uk)
"Gründerin" (language: de)
"steigėja" (language: lt)
(P3321) "مؤسس" (language: ar)
"основатель" (language: ru)
"fondateur" (language: fr)
"Gründer" (language: de)
"steigėjas" (language: lt)
other details
aliases founder
org founder
organisational founder
organisation founder
organization founder
description person who creates an institution intended to perpetuate itself after the founder's association ends

External Links