All-Russian nation (Q4463021)
concept that considers unified Russian people composes by three groups
Current Data About All-Russian nation
(P17) (Q34266)
(P18) Image Provided ByАллегория_триединой_России.jpg
(P31) (Q2472587)
(P242) East Slavs in Russia 1897.JPG
Ethnic map europe 1923.jpg
(P527) (Q21843027)
(P580) +1800-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P1343) (Q19180675)
(P1705) "Триединый русский народ" (language: ru)
"Триєдиний російський народ" (language: uk)
"Трыадзіны рускі народ" (language: be)
other details
aliases triune Russia
pan-Russian nation
triune Russian nation
description concept that considers unified Russian people composes by three groups

External Links