Swan Reach (Q43371215)
former local government area of South Australia
Current Data About Swan Reach
(P17) (Q174193)
(P31) (Q30129411)
(P36) (Q2906057)
(P131) (Q35715)
(P571) +1888-01-00T00:00:00Z
(P576) Friday, September 1, 1933
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1448) "District of Swan Reach" (language: en)
"District of Blanchetown" (language: en)
(P1813) "Swan Reach" (language: en)
"Blanchetown" (language: en)
other details
aliases District of Swan Reach
District of Blanchetown
description former local government area of South Australia

External Links