Ismar Littmann
Tuesday, July 2, 1878
Sunday, September 23, 1934
"Research into Nazi-confiscated works of art in the museum's collectionIn 1999 the museum received a restitution request for the painting Buchsbaumgarten (Boxtree Garden) (1909) by Emil Nolde acquired by the museum in 1956. The painting had previously been part of the collection of the Breslau (Wroclaw) collector Dr. Ismar Littmann (1878-1934). In 1934 Littmann committed suicide; his widow then put the collection up for auction through the Berlin dealer Max Perl. Two days before the auction, sixty-four works were confiscated by the Gestapo." (language: en)
"Wiedergutmachungsverfahren, geltend gemacht werden konnten nur die Werke aus der Auktion Max Perl 1935; erster Teilvergleich 1961 mit Anerkennung der Beschlagnahme von 6 Objekten und Entschädigungszahlung über 31.000 DM; 1965 Vergleich wegen der Entziehung von weiteren 117 Kunstwerken i.H.v. 12.600 DM; Ende 1990er Jahre Wiederauffindung der Inventare im Familienbesitz. Ab 1999 einzelne Restitutionen an die letzte lebende Tochter Littmanns, Ruth Haller: „Zwei weibliche Halbakte" von Otto Müller (1999) aus dem Museum Ludwig, Köln (dort als Schenkung Josef Haubrichs); Otto Müller, Knabe vor zwei stehende und einem sitzenden Mädchen (1999 Restitution, 1986 Kunsthalle Emden, 1979 Ankauf Henri Nannen aus Kunsthandel), das Gemälde „Olevano" von Alexander Kanoldt (Februar 2001), „La Procession" von Lucien Adrion sowie „Charlotte Corinth" von Lovis Corinth; 2002 Karl Hofer: „Sitzender Akt auf blauem Kissen". Herausgabebegehren zu Emil Noldes „Buchsbaumgarten" im Lehmbruck-Museum (offen)." (language: de)
Friday, November 5, 2021
"In 1999 the museum returned the painting Zwei weibliche Halbakte (Two Female Nudes ) (1919) by Otto Mueller to the heirs of Dr. Ismar Littmann. The work had entered the collection of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum in 1946 as part of a gift from Cologne collector Josef Haubrich. When the modern art Museum Ludwig was created in 1976, the 20th century collection of the Wallraf-Richarz Museum was transferred into it, and the Otto Mueller painting became integrated into the collection of the Museum Ludwig.The painting was originally part of the collection of Breslau (Wroclaw) collector Dr. Ismar Littmann (1878-1934), who met Otto Mueller when the latter was nominated professor at the local School of Art and Design. In 1934 Littmann committed suicide. In February 1935 his widow put the collection up for auction through the dealer Max Perl, Berlin. But two days before the auction sixty-four Littmann works were confiscated by the Gestapo, including this painting by Mueller, which was among the few works chosen by Eberhard Hanfstaengl, director of the Nationalgalerie, when he was asked to choose those with "sale value"." (language: en)