Hôtel de la Chambre des Députés (Q3563262)
seat of Luxembourg's legislature, the Chamber of Deputies
(P17) (Q32)
(P18) Image Provided By https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Luxembourg_City_Chambre_des_députés_Nov_2009.jpg
(P31) (Q7138926)
(P84) (Q13101562)
(P131) (Q1842)
(P281) L-1728
(P373) Hôtel de la Chambre des députés
(P466) (Q517449)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P669) (Q6436459)
(P793) (Q385378)
(P5775) Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019 -1.jpg
Joint meeting with the Members of the Standing Committee, the Members of the Luxembourg delegation to the OSCE PA and the Members of the Committee on Foreign and European Affairs, Cooperation, Immigration and Asylum, 25 March 2019 - 467.jpg
(P7561) (Q75118360)
other details
aliases Hall of the Chamber of Deputies
Hôtel de la Chambre
description seat of Luxembourg's legislature, the Chamber of Deputies

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