Estação Júlio Prestes (Q3297457)
historical train station in São Paulo, today only with commuter transit, the station building converted to a cultural centre
Current Data About Estação Júlio Prestes
(P16) (Q110914375)
(P17) (Q155)
(P18) Image Provided Byçao_Julio_Prestes,visao_lateral,antiga_Sorocabana,Sao_Paulo,Brasil._04.jpg
(P31) (Q1329623)
(P81) (Q10318735)
(P131) (Q174)
(P137) (Q1121227)
(P138) (Q373560)
(P149) (Q2479493)
(P197) (Q3293864)
(P217) 326
(P296) JPR
(P373) Estação Júlio Prestes
(P527) (Q3243994)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1103) 4
(P1192) (Q3296720)
(P1435) (Q45824471)
(P1619) Saturday, July 10, 1875
(P1766) At Estação Júlio Prestes 2018 097.jpg
(P3451) Estação Júlio Prestes - São Paulo - por Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton.jpg
(P5008) (Q105730568)
(P5775) At Estação Júlio Prestes 2018 122.jpg
(P5817) (Q55654238)
(P6375) "Praça Júlio Prestes 148, 01218-020 São Paulo" (language: pt-br)
"R. Mauá, nº 51 - Campos Elíseos" (language: pt-br)
(P7561) (Q86107220)
other details
aliases Júlio Prestes train station
Julio Prestes train station
description historical train station in São Paulo, today only with commuter transit, the station building converted to a cultural centre

External Links