Prefecture hotel of Cantal (Q3146099)
French administrative building and prefecture hotel
Current Data About Prefecture hotel of Cantal
(P17) (Q142)
(P18) Image Provided Byéfecture_Cantal.jpg
(P31) (Q2519340)
(P131) (Q174234)
(P149) (Q54111)
(P366) (Q28872854)
(P373) Hôtel de préfecture du Cantal, Aurillac
(P466) (Q59210092)
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1435) (Q10387575)
(P6375) "cours Monthyon" (language: fr)
"rue Transparot" (language: fr)
"place Maillard" (language: fr)
other details
aliases prefecture of Cantal administrative building
description French administrative building and prefecture hotel

External Links