Rosenberg cemetery (Q29933466)
cemetery in Winterthur in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland
Current Data About Rosenberg cemetery
(P17) (Q39)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q811979)
(P131) (Q9125)
(P149) (Q2136756)
(P276) (Q7368528)
(P281) 8400
(P361) (Q14913802)
(P373) Friedhof Rosenberg (Winterthur)
(P571) +1910-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1435) (Q12126757)
(P1619) Monday, October 5, 1914
(P1621) Karte Friedhof Rosenberg.svg
(P2046) 170000
(P2795) "Buslinie 3 in Richtung Rosenberg bis zur Haltestelle «Friedhof»" (language: de-ch)
"bus line 3 towards Rosenberg to the bus stop ‘Friedhof’" (language: en)
"Ligne de bus 3 en direction de Rosenberg jusqu'à l'arrêt «Friedhof»" (language: fr)
(P2817) (Q14913802)
(P6375) "Am Rosenberg 5, 8400 Winterthur" (language: de)
(P8138) (Q282014)
other details
aliases Friedhof Rosenberg
description cemetery in Winterthur in the canton of Zürich, Switzerland

External Links