Interaction of IL-2R beta and gamma c chains with Jak1 and Jak3: implications for XSCID and XCID (Q28241595)
scientific article (publication date: 11 November 1994)
(P31) (Q13442814)
(P304) 1042-5
(P407) (Q1860)
(P433) 5187
(P478) 266
(P577) Friday, November 11, 1994
(P1433) (Q192864)
(P1476) "Interaction of IL-2R beta and gamma c chains with Jak1 and Jak3: implications for XSCID and XCID" (language: en)
(P2093) S M Russell
J A Johnston
M Noguchi
M Kawamura
C M Bacon
M Friedmann
M Berg
D W McVicar
B A Witthuhn
O Silvennoinen
other details
description scientific article (publication date: 11 November 1994)

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