refers to different subject (Q28091153)
Wikidata reason for deprecation
(P31) (Q27949697)
(P279) (Q14946528)
(P1659) (P8327)
(P1687) (P8327)
(P2559) "Use P8327 as qualifier on the deprecated statement to indicate which subject was intended. Also, remember to actually copy the statement onto the item of the correct subject." (language: en)
other details
aliases applies to other entity
applies to different subject
conflates subjects
wrong subject
conflation of subjects
incorrect subject
different subject
refers to another subject
refers to other subject
statement is on the wrong item
refers to wrong subject
refers to incorrect subject
identifier refers to different subject
identifier belongs to different subject
statement belongs on another item
statement belongs on a different item
identifies another subject
identifies other subject
identifies a different subject
identifies different subject
wrong item
refers to a different subject
applies to a different subject
description Wikidata reason for deprecation