industry (Q268592)
group of firms that produce a closely related set of raw materials, goods, or services
Current Data About industry
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q29028649)
(P279) (Q16887380)
(P361) (Q3958441)
(P373) Industries
(P443) LL-Q188 (deu)-Sebastian Wallroth-Wirtschaftszweig.wav
(P460) (Q11541386)
(P910) (Q10099841)
(P1424) (Q15409381)
(P1687) (P452)
(P1889) (Q8148)
other details
aliases branch
economic branch
economic industry
business branches
industrial branch
description group of firms that produce a closely related set of raw materials, goods, or services

External Links