Pamplona city (Q24012386)
capital city of Navarre (Spain) and main city of the historical Kingdom of Navarre
Current Data About Pamplona city
(P17) (Q29)
(P18) Image Provided Byñea_Ortoirudia_2021.png
(P31) (Q121289819)
(P94) Escudo de Pamplona.svg
(P131) (Q10282)
(P206) (Q20360)
(P237) (Q3456408)
(P373) Pamplona City
(P571) Monday, September 8, 1423
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P1365) (Q11930644)
(P1376) (Q10282)
(P2184) (Q7927111)
(P3311) Pampelune OSM 02.png
other details
aliases city of Pamplona
description capital city of Navarre (Spain) and main city of the historical Kingdom of Navarre

External Links