Zürich Hauptbahnhof (Q224494)
main railway station in the Swiss city of Zurich
Current Data About Zürich Hauptbahnhof
(P16) (Q636091)
(P17) (Q39)
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/Zuerich_Hauptbahnhof-2.jpg
(P31) (Q18543139)
(P81) (Q1267126)
(P84) (Q1679033)
(P127) (Q83835)
(P131) (Q72)
(P137) (Q83835)
(P149) (Q502163)
(P197) (Q194887)
(P276) (Q445559)
(P296) ZUE
(P373) Zürich Hauptbahnhof
(P443) LL-Q9192 (cmn)-Jouketou-苏黎世火车总站.wav
(P527) (Q30321751)
(P571) Monday, August 9, 1847
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P669) (Q801700)
(P833) (Q33456193)
(P856) http://zuerich-hb.ch/
(P912) (Q657345)
(P1103) 26
(P1192) (Q129337)
(P1435) (Q8274529)
(P1619) Friday, January 1, 1847
(P2044) 408
(P5595) 24
(P5817) (Q55654238)
(P6375) "Museumstrasse 1, 8001 Zürich" (language: de-ch)
(P7561) (Q75122646)
(P8596) (Q104549341)
other details
aliases Zürich HB
Zurich Hauptbahnhof
Zurich Main Station
Zurich's Central Station
Zurich Central Station
Zürich Station
description main railway station in the Swiss city of Zurich

External Links