European Currency Unit (Q221828)
basket of the currencies of the European Community member states, used as the unit of account of the EC before being replaced by the euro
Current Data About European Currency Unit
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q747699)
(P489) (Q25382543)
(P571) Monday, January 1, 1979
(P576) Friday, January 1, 1999
(P580) Friday, April 13, 1979
(P582) Thursday, December 31, 1998
(P1365) (Q378464)
(P1366) (Q4916)
(P1705) "European Currency Unit (E.C.U.)" (language: en)
"Unité compte Européen (E.C.U.)" (language: fr)
(P1889) (Q227497)
(P2378) (Q3075828)
(P5061) "₠‎" (language: mul)
other details
aliases ECU
description basket of the currencies of the European Community member states, used as the unit of account of the EC before being replaced by the euro

External Links