Aliwal North (Q2143142)
town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Current Data About Aliwal North
(P17) (Q258)
(P18) Image Provided By
(P31) (Q3957)
(P47) (Q160284)
(P131) (Q617894)
(P281) 9750
(P373) Aliwal North
(P421) (Q6723)
(P473) 051 633
051 634
(P571) Monday, January 1, 1849
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P948) Aliwal North Wikivoyage banner.jpg
(P1376) (Q617894)
(P2044) 1325
other details
aliases Maletswai
description town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

External Links