type (Q21146257)
kind or variety of something
Current Data About type
(P31) (Q19478619)
(P279) (Q16889133)
(P443) LL-Q804899-Valriu-tipus.wav
LL-Q7026 (cat)-Viqtor29-tipus.wav
LL-Q7026 (cat)-Carme Oriol-tipus.wav
(P1269) (Q27214933)
(P1628) http://purl.org/dc/terms/type
(P1709) https://dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/#DCMIType
(P1889) (Q24017414)
(P2559) "an "instance of" type metaclass can be theoretically defined for every entity category that has true subclasses (each of the subclasses having at least multiple members), excluding those categories that only contain instances" (language: en)
(P2579) (Q27214933)
other details
aliases kind
description kind or variety of something

External Links