Speaker of the Grand National Assembly (Q20473788)
speaker of the Parliament of Turkey
(P17) (Q43)
(P31) (Q294414)
(P279) (Q140686)
(P571) Friday, April 23, 1920
(P910) (Q9091201)
(P1001) (Q43)
(P2098) (Q6020671)
(P2389) (Q274918)
(P2521) "Seroka Meclîsa Mezin a Neteweyî ya Tirkiyeyê" (language: ku)
"predsednica Velike narodne skupščine" (language: sl)
(P3321) "Serokê Meclîsa Mezin a Neteweyî ya Tirkiyeyê" (language: ku)
other details
aliases President of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey
description speaker of the Parliament of Turkey

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