ceremonial umbrella or parasol, one of the 8 auspicious signs in Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., often combined with the victory banner (dhjava)
ceremonial umbrella or parasol, one of the 8 auspicious signs in Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., often combined with the victory banner (dhjava)
Current Data About
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aliases |
Chhatra Chattra Chatra chattra chhatra chhatraratna chatraratna divine umbrella royal umbrella holy umbrella state umbrella sacred umbrella ceremonial umbrella divine parasol royal parasol holy parasol state parasol sacred parasol ceremonial parasol Chatraratna Chhatraratna parasol parasols umbrella umbrellas chattah chattahs chatta chattas |
description | ceremonial umbrella or parasol, one of the 8 auspicious signs in Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., often combined with the victory banner (dhjava) |
External Links
(P646) |
(P1014) |
(P2581) |
(P2671) |