Tran Van Huong (Q1936777)
Former President of the Republic of Vietnam
Current Data About Tran Van Huong
(P18) Image Provided By越南前總理陳文香.jpg
(P19) (Q7333405)
(P20) (Q1854)
(P21) (Q6581097)
(P27) (Q180573)
(P31) (Q5)
(P39) (Q30919560)
(P40) (Q10788296)
(P106) (Q82955)
(P109) Signature of Trần Văn Hương.svg
(P140) (Q748)
(P158) Seal of Mr. Trần Văn Hương (陳文香).png
(P172) (Q216151)
(P373) Trần Văn Hương
(P551) (Q1854)
(P569) Wednesday, January 1, 1902
(P570) Wednesday, January 27, 1982
(P607) (Q8740)
(P734) (Q16282193)
(P1559) "Trần Văn Hương" (language: vi)
(P8500) (Q104596484)
other details
description Former President of the Republic of Vietnam

External Links