711 Stadion (Q1851894)
football stadium in Velsen-Zuid, the Netherlands
Current Data About 711 Stadion
(P17) (Q55)
(P18) Image Provided By https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tata_Steel_Stadium_Zwarts_&_Jansma_architects.jpg
(P31) (Q1154710)
(P131) (Q9970)
(P138) (Q126214192)
(P276) (Q3330170)
(P373) 711 Stadion
(P466) (Q1071713)
(P571) Saturday, March 27, 1948
(P625) Unable To Parse Value globecoordinate
(P641) (Q2736)
(P1083) 3625
(P1448) "Schoonenberg" (language: nl)
"Tata Steelstadion" (language: nl)
"Telstar Stadion" (language: nl)
"Rabobank IJmond Stadion" (language: nl)
"Telstar Stadion" (language: nl)
"BUKO Stadion" (language: nl)
"711 Stadion" (language: nl)
(P1619) Saturday, March 27, 1948
other details
aliases Rabobank IJmond Stadion
Tata Steel Stadion
BUKO Stadion
Telstar Station
description football stadium in Velsen-Zuid, the Netherlands

External Links