canton of France (Q184188)
former French electoral constituency, and former administrative subdivision of an arrondissement, until March 2015
Current Data About canton of France
(P17) (Q142)
(P31) (Q20667921)
(P279) (Q192498)
(P361) (Q194203)
(P373) Former cantons of France
(P582) Saturday, March 21, 2015
(P910) (Q8940604)
(P1343) (Q602358)
(P1366) (Q18524218)
(P1448) "canton" (language: fr)
(P1889) (Q193013)
(P2559) "Depuis mars 2015, ce n'est plus une des subdivisions administratives d'un arrondissement, mais uniquement une des circonscriptions électorales d'un département" (language: fr)
"Since March 2015, it's no longer one of administrative subdivisions of an arrondissement, but only one of electoral constituencies of a département" (language: en)
(P2670) (Q484170)
other details
aliases former canton of France
description former French electoral constituency, and former administrative subdivision of an arrondissement, until March 2015

External Links