President of the Czech Republic (Q1819381)
head of state of the Czech Republic
(P17) (Q213)
(P31) (Q4164871)
(P41) Flag of the President of the Czech Republic.svg
(P163) (Q11913350)
(P263) (Q193369)
(P279) (Q30461)
(P373) Presidents of the Czech Republic
(P463) (Q12048463)
(P571) Friday, January 1, 1993
(P910) (Q9542607)
(P1001) (Q213)
(P1308) (Q29032)
(P1705) "Prezident České republiky" (language: cs)
(P1889) (Q116462400)
(P2097) 5
(P2354) (Q878179)
(P2521) "prezidentka České republiky" (language: cs)
"президентка Чехії" (language: uk)
"Presidenta de la República Txeca" (language: ca)
"predsednica Češke republike" (language: sl)
"Presidenta da República Checa" (language: gl)
"Čekijos prezidentė" (language: lt)
(P2998) 40
(P3321) "prezident České republiky" (language: cs)
"Čekijos prezidentas" (language: lt)
other details
aliases President of Czechia
description head of state of the Czech Republic

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