Rhaetian Railway (Q177598)
owner/operator of the largest network of private meter-gauge railways in the largest and easternmost canton in Switzerland, Grisons
Current Data About Rhaetian Railway
(P17) (Q39)
(P18) Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Landwasserviadukt.jpg
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/00_2042_Bahnstrecke_Chur_-Arosa.jpg
(P31) (Q17377208)
(P112) (Q2031001)
(P127) (Q11925)
(P131) (Q11925)
(P154) Image Provided By https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rhätische_Bahn_Logo.svg
Image Provided By https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Logo_Rhätische_Bahn.tif
Image Provided By https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/89/N_rhb_dreisprachig_logo_4c.svg
(P159) (Q69007)
(P373) Rhätische Bahn
(P452) (Q3565868)
(P463) (Q2513957)
(P571) Tuesday, February 7, 1888
(P740) (Q69007)
(P793) (Q115867789)
(P856) http://www.rhb.ch/
(P910) (Q8660409)
(P1000) (Q114920305)
(P1037) (Q121356)
(P1064) (Q24609)
(P1128) 1500
(P1365) (Q107104733)
(P1448) "Rhätische Bahn" (language: de)
"ferrovia retica" (language: it)
"Viafier retica" (language: rm)
(P1454) (Q693737)
(P1552) (Q107637871)
(P1619) +1888-00-00T00:00:00Z
(P1621) MapRhaetischeBahn.svg
KARTE rhb.png
(P1813) "RhB" (language: de)
(P1830) (Q7689014)
(P2043) 384
(P2046) 152
(P2139) 336000000
(P3113) (Q1132840)
(P3438) (Q126957271)
(P3858) (Q22735338)
(P5052) (Q121356)
other details
aliases Rhätische Bahn
description owner/operator of the largest network of private meter-gauge railways in the largest and easternmost canton in Switzerland, Grisons

External Links